is your ultimate solution!

Do you want to monetize your game but are exhausted from non-gameplay requirements?
Simplify Unity game development with just one-click!

In-App Ads
Show Ads in your game and easily monetize
In-App Billing
Simplify the setup for in-app purchases with minimal effort
Analytics And Attribution
Analyze user behavior, monitor game performance, and track user acquisition sources
Consent Management (GDPR)
Disclose and obtain consent for the processing of user's personal data to serve ads in the EEA/UK
Remote Config
Make dynamic game adjustments and run real-time A/B tests without code updates
Google Play Games Services
Save player profiles and restore the data even after uninstallation


Meet all your non-gameplay requirements in just one step

  • Choose only the features you need
  • Implements incredibly easily
  • Avoids dependency conflicts
  • Minimizes debug time
  • Provides detailed sample code
  • Requires no native platform knowledge
  • Offers an all-in-one solution
  • Saves cutting costs




Total have been rased this year

Proven in production since 2021

Our Soulutions

Do you want to monetize your game but are exhausted from managing Ads SDKs?
Are you curious about how your players are playing with your games and want to set-up an analytic tool with minimum effort into your game?
Do you feel like you are wasting your time resolving conflicts between dependencies of these SDKs?

Plankton helps you unlock the full potential of your games by handling essential non-gameplay requirements

In-App Ads

Mediation Support:
Admob - AppLovinMax

ironSourceUnity Ads
Liftoff (Vungle)

In-App Billing

Google Play Billing

Analytics And Attribution

Yandex AppMetrica
Game Analytics

Consent Management (GDPR)

Google UMP

Remote Config

Game Analytics

Play Services

Google Play Games Services

Rate Us PopUp

Google Play Store

"Had a really good experience with these guys. I'd definitely recommend to friends."

Jonh Robbins

"Sterling has been a terrific partner in its flexibility in supporting our initiatives."

Rebecca Thompson
Police Officer

"The team is so innovative, so driven and everyone loves and believes in the mission."

Peter Massey
Truck Driver